NewsCow to launch classified section Aug. 18

Yes, we realize it’s taken exactly forever and one day to bring you the CowntyWide Classifieds. But they are finally here. 🙂

This is your chance to tap into the 16,000 to 19,000 readers* NewsCow attracts every month.

Catch a SNEAK PREVIEW of our classifieds format to get an idea of what an ad will look like. The plan is to go live on Aug. 18.

If you don’t see a category that you need, let us know. We want to cater to as many people as possible. So if we didn’t think of something, drop us a line and we’ll fix it.

Also, from now until our launch date, we have a special offer for long-term advertisers. One spot, in one category for one year is $89. That will go up to $99 on the day we launch and $109 after that.

So you can save yourself $20. Also, we’ll offer unlimited posting year round for $179. That goes up to $199 when we get started and $229 after the first month. Again, you can save some money by getting on board early.

We prefer to bill online through PayPal. However, you can also pay by check or with cash but must do so before your ad will go up.

We’ll start placing ads this week as we get them. We’ll start taking orders for short-term ads on Monday.

to contact us for more information or to send us your ad text and photos. Just mention the name of the category you need in your e-mail.

Click the banner on our preview page to get an idea on short-term pricing.

If you’re totally confused, don’t hesitate to call 222-2225.

*As independently calculated by Google Analytics.

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