Four-wheelers missing after rural burglaries

Burglars continue to strike property owners in rural portions of the county. Monday the Cowley County Sheriff’s Office reported the theft and attempted theft of several 4-wheelers from rural Winfield Friday.

Timothy C. Brinigar, 2904 W. Fifth, told officers he arrived home to find his locked barn had been broken into, according to the sheriff’s report. A pad lock securing the doors had been removed and the doors “were standing wide open,” the report said.

Although three 4-wheelers were stored in the barn, only one was taken. One 4-wheeler was found at the side of the road, the report said.
West Fifth Street is located just outside the western portions of Winfield’s city limit.

In another report officers said Christopher Johnson, 8093 161st Road, was missing two 4-wheelers which had been parked in his garage. Two additional 4-wheelers were not taken. Johnson said burglars had used a key to access a sliding door. The key had been hidden under a rock, the report said.

Officers were able to photograph footprints left at the scene.
Last week the sheriff’s office reported thefts in three residences in Arkansas City and Dexter. Items stolen included jewelry, a gun and collectibles.