Smith: Railroad crossings on track for repair

Two railroad crossings at New Salem may be repaired within the month, according to Cowley County Attorney Chris Smith.

Southern Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad responded this week to a request from Smith last month that the company repair the crossings within 30 days or face a law suit.

The railroad company has applied for state funds to repair several deep pot-holes that have developed adjacent to and in between the steel rails. The funds could be available within eight to 10 days, railroad officials wrote Smith.

Once the money is approved, another 15 to 30 days will be required to make the repairs.

“At least that’s what we hope will happen,” Smith said.

County commissioners say they have received numerous complaints about the crossings.

County Engineer Dale Steward has inspected the crossings and found the vertical alignments are out of compliance. His findings were also provided the railroad company.