Winfielder’s Biden ties make race fun to see

Former Winfield school superintendent Bill Medley was principal at a Delaware high school when Jill Biden began teaching there not long after she and newly nominated vice presidential candidate Joe Biden were married.

The senior senator from Delaware and his wife attended a number of school social functions so Maxine and Bill Medley became friends with the Bidens. When the Medleys left Delaware to return to Kansas, Sen. and Mrs. Biden attended their farewell party.

"I wouldn’t say we are close friends," Medley said. "He has been very nice to me as he is to all the people who know him."

Jill Biden, who has a doctorate in education, began teaching at Concord High School at Wilmington in 1978, as Medley recalls.

"She was a reading specialist and worked primarily with students who were having difficulty with school work, and a very compassionate person," he said.

Jill Biden met her future husband three years after his first wife and infant daughter were killed in a traffic accident. Biden’s two young sons survived. Bill and Jill dated for two years and married in 1977.

"She was a beautiful lady and a very nice person and got along well with all the staff members. The kids sought her out for help," Medley said.

"Delaware being a small state you got a chance to know your elected officials a little better," he said. "He (Biden) was especially appreciative of the students at Concord because they worked so hard to get him elected

"He called one day and asked if we would like to have some astronauts come and speak to the students. Of course, we were very pleased to accept an offer like that," Medley said.

Three astronauts showed up, including Ron Evans, a Kansan. "That meant a lot to me," Medley said.

The Medleys watched the National Democratic Convention with particular interest because of the Bidens. They had to make quick trip to Tulsa to pick up a grandchild Thursday night but listened to Sen. Barack Obama’s acceptance speech on the car radio.

"Having the Bidens involved made it even more interesting," Medley said. "She would be a fine person and certainly compliment Joe in many ways."

Medley stopped by Biden’s office in Washington one time but the senator was gone. He sent a follow-up letter to Medley when he returned to the office.

A biography of Mrs. Biden states she raised her family and then earned several advanced degrees, including her doctorate. She teaches English at the Delaware Technical and Community College and is expected to return to work soon.

"She was a beautiful young lady and is beautiful now," Medley said.