More than 500 already lined up for Land Rush

More than 500 people have lined up for a shot at prime camping spots at this year’s Walnut Valley Festival, spokesperson Rex Flottman said.

"I think we’re a little ahead of where we were last year," he said. "Just a little bit ahead."

The annual Land Rush for camping spots at the Winfield Fairground begins at 7 a.m. Thursday. Flottman said at least some campers will fly American flags to commemorate the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, which occurred seven years ago Thursday.

Advanced ticket sales are progressing about the same as last year, he said.

"It’s about the same, give or take," Flottman said.



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# of XXL: XL: L:

Total number long sleeve gray ($20):

# of XXL: XL: L:

Total number gray hoodies ($40):

# of XXL: XL: L: