Cowley County Marketplace set for Saturday

The first Cowley County Marketplace will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday in the Wright Room at Cowley College.

The event is being held by the Cowley County Tourism Alliance group. Spokesperson Shannon Thom said the "tourist fair" will provide the opportunity to showcase events, attractions and other tourism related businesses as well as showcase products made and produced in Cowley County.

The event is similar to the Kansas Sampler Festival except this event is limited to only Cowley County, she said.

"This will be an opportunity to for Cowley County residents and visitors to learn about the wonderful aspects of Cowley County all at once," Thom said.

To apply for booth space, contact Sarah Werner at the Winfield Area Chamber of Commerce at 221-2421 or Connie Kimsey at the Arkansas City Area Chamber of Commerce – Visitors Bureau at 442-0230. The cost for booth space is $15.