City Of Ark City Makes Changes To Water Bill Correspondence

Residents of Arkansas City will notice some changes to their water bills and other official City of Ark City correspondence, according to a news release from the City.

The changes begin this week.

As part of changes to the billing process, including the outsourcing of bill printing, mailed utility bills will arrive in a new envelope format starting with the December billing cycle.

An attached image shows the “Water Grows Our Future” envelope format that will be used for the bills going forward, while the other image shows a “generic” City logo format for all other correspondence.


(Images courtesy City of Ark City)

Another new billing enhancement currently in development is an opt-in texting bill reminder service, as well as improved telephone reminders that will allow citizens to call back and pay over the phone with a credit or debit card through an automated system that will offer vastly improved customer security.

The City anticipates being able to roll out these new features sometime after New Year’s Day.

“We hope our utility customers will find these changes both helpful and convenient,” said Finance Director/Treasurer Jennifer Waggoner. “Please let us know if you experience any difficulties with either.”