Cowley College Recognizes CLAW Program Trainees

Individuals in the second cohort that completed the eight-week training include Jason O’Toole, Dax Leone, Tori Beltz, Ashley Demaree, Jim Brown, Lynlea Bartlett, Ian Alumbaugh, Lacy Kennedy, Lana DaSilva and Arianna Raga. (Photo courtesy Cowley College)

The second cohort of the Cowley Leaders at Work leadership training program recently attended and completed the eight-week training conducted at Cowley College, according to a press release from the college.

Cowley Leaders at Work is a leadership program for Cowley College employees that targets all positions of director and above with the goal to develop team thinkers that can utilize data in action research to solve problems or improve processes of the college.

The end goal is to empower employees to direct process improvements in their work areas and to provide college wide strategies for success, Cowley says.