Southwestern, Chinese school set to partner

Winfield’s Southwestern College has signed a pact with a school in China that is expected to promote cooperation between the schools and allow an exchange program for students and faculty, school officials said Wednesday.

Southwestern and Huangshan University have agreed on a contract of cooperation to become sister schools beginning in the fall of 2008.

David Hofmeister, director of teacher education at Southwestern, traveled to China to sign the agreement.? Joining Hofmeister on the trip was Nili Luo, coordinator of early childhood education at SC, and Zhiqun (Tim) Qian, director of the China initiative at SC.

“The mission of the college is a world without boundaries ? the mission is the driving opportunity for this budding relationship,” Hofmeister says. ?”Any student seeking employment in areas such as business, non-governmental organizations, and some government organizations really need to seriously consider the global market.”

Contract items include:

The two schools will establish long-term friendships and establish regular visitations between representatives of both schools to strengthen communication and mutual understanding. Southwestern College will establish the Institute for Chinese Programs to assure that all the terms of this and future agreements will be fulfilled.

The two schools agree to have close cooperation in faculty training, academic exchanges, and other areas.? Starting in the fall 2008 semester, the schools will use similar methods to exchange faculty for training and cultural experiences.?

Starting in the fall of 2008, the two schools will send the best students for three to six months of overseas learning experience. Academic credit earned during the overseas learning experience will be awarded by the host campus and be accepted by their sending campus.?

Under certain circumstances, those completing a three-year program at Huangshan University can add one additional year of study at Southwestern College to obtain a bachelor’s degree in identified areas.?

In addition, students who graduate from Huangshan University with a bachelor’s degree can attend Southwestern for one additional year of study to obtain a graduate degree. Southwestern College will establish an admission process specifically beneficial for Huangshan graduates to gain entry into the United States for advanced studies. Huangshan University will provide required documents to ensure students from Southwestern College gain entry into China.

Andy Sheppard, dean of faculty at SC, looks forward to the interaction between the schools.

“We are both honored and excited by the opportunity to collaborate with Huangshan University,” Sheppard said. ?”This partnership holds the promise for active faculty and student exchange, curriculum development, and foreign language programming.”