Sheriff’s candidates racing to the finish line

The two candidates for Cowley County sheriff say they’re pounding the pavement and putting up a few more signs as the Aug. 5 primary election nears. Because both Randy Emerson and Don Read are Republican, and there is no Democratic challenger, the contest in three weeks almost certainly will determine who is sheriff.

Emerson said Monday that he’d placed about 400 yards signs and was going door-to-door throughout the county talking with anyone who will give him a few minutes.

"Things are going well. I’m working really hard," he said. "I’ve worn out one pair of shoes already."

Emerson has heard few specifics about changes citizens expect to see at the sheriff’s office, should he be elected. Many people just say they are ready for a new face in the office, he said.

A goal of purchasing more fuel-efficient vehicles for the department is one issue Emerson has kept mentioning to potential voters.

"People want change, although they don’t say what exactly they want changed," he said. "The just know we need to do something."

Undersheriff Read knows Emerson has spent considerable time talking about the need for new blood. Read said he’s tried to counter that by assuring people he’ll "do a number of things" differently once he’s elected.

He said when it comes down to it he’s heard Emerson mention few ideas about what could be done differently.

"He says that we need change, but he’s not very specific," Read said Monday. "There is going to be some change. I want to do things my way and more than that, the way the people in this county want them done. But I don’t think people want change, for the sake of change."

Read said he’d like to bring a canine unit back to Cowley County and he promises to focus on curbing the drug problem amongst the county’s youth. The drug issue is one he hears about regularly as he goes door-to-door.

"The sheriff and I agree on a number of things and we disagree on some things, too," he said. "I’ll be my own man."

Read said he’s put up hundreds of signs and took a vacation day Monday to put up 50 or 60 more.

Each candidate was in Dexter this weekend doing some campaigning at the annual Dexter Barbecue.

A main point of contrast for the two men is the nature of their experience. Emerson has a few years of law enforcement experience but has spent the last 12 years as administrator for the Winfield Housing Authority.

Don Read has been with the sheriff’s department for more than two decades and was named undersheriff by Sheriff Bob Odell in 2003. Read already has picked Capt. Bill Mueller, a veteran law enforcement officer, to serve as his undersheriff, should he win.

Emerson said he’s decided to wait to pick an undersheriff until after the election. He’ll have more than four months to interview candidates, he said, and has some qualified people in mind.

"I think a man should win a sheriff’s election on his own merits," he said. "I’ll worry about an undersheriff when I win."

Both men said they’ve put considerable time and effort into running for sheriff. With their jobs and families to think about, running for office has created some long days. Aside from the time commitment they’ve enjoyed meeting and talking with the people of the county and attending countless social functions, they said.

But both acknowledged they’ll be happy to see the politicking come to an end.

"It’s a lot of hard work," Emerson said.

"It’s a tremendous amount of effort," Read said.