Slower pace, smaller crowd at WV festival

"It’s slow."

That’s something a lot of folks?were saying at the Walnut Valley Festival Friday, which marks day two of the annual bluegrass?event held at the Winfield fairgrounds.

Thousands usually gather at the fest to hear music, play some tunes and camp. But last week’s floodwaters proved to be the proverbial wet blanket at this year’s festivities, forcing campers to evacuate the grounds less than a day after Land Rush, the traditional mad dash for favored camping sites.

This year, instead of a fairground packed to the gills with trailers, busses, tents and teepees, campgrounds are roped off. Festival officials banned on-site camping in the flood’s wake.

To help people reach the fairgrounds, festival goers are being bussed in from the Winfield?City Lake where most campers fled.??

Still, loyal listeners?were filling seats at the various stages. Friday afternoon at Stage I at least 500 watched Virginia’s The Kenny & Amanda Smith Band perform. Some even sang an impromptu Happy Birthday to Kenny, who joked fans could give him a spanking later.

Under the grandstand vendors have turned up aplenty, but shoppers still have?lots of elbow room-a sure sign festival numbers are not the norm.

"It’s slow during the daytime," said?Topeka vendor Carol Ashley.?"(Sales) are better between shows." Ashley and her husband,?Steve, sell pottery and knitted items.?Carol added she was impressed festival and city officials were able to go on with the show, despite challenges presented by Mother Nature.

At The Kamp Grounds, a 24-hour coffee and beverage booth located in the food court, workers said the days had been busy, but the nights are slow.
Besides sluggish sales for vendors, it’s obvious campers-and the enthusiasm they bring to the fest-are missed.

On Stage II Friday afternoon, Irish accordian player David Munnelly sent a long distance shout-out to Carp Camp, the acoustical wonders with a fishy theme?who normally inhabit a large portion of the Walnut Grove.

"Is there anyone here from Carp Camp?" asked Munnelley between sets. When only a few people?waved their hands he quipped, "Ah, well, they’re probably still asleep."

Rumor has it Carp Camp is?happily ensconced at campgrounds?in Oxford.