Winfield elementary readers get their rewards

Two Winfield elementary principals showed their support for the achievement of their students by following through on promises they had made earlier in the school year.

Aaron Birkhofer, principal at Lowell Elementary, had promised to let Melodie Hanna, the school’s reading facilitator, give him a Mohawk haircut if the 3rd and 4th grade students achieved their goals on the state tests in reading and math.

They did and she did.

Monday during an all school assembly, Hanna took the clippers to Birkhofer.

Tuesday at Whittier Elementary, principal Bill Pittman allowed himself to be dunked in a tank full of cold water to celebrate the fourth quarter reading achievement of his student body.

Earlier in the year, reading facilitator Martha Stevenson had made good on her promise to let students hit her in the face with pies, so she took this opportunity to emcee while Pittman rode the dunk tank.