Why protecting supplements is so important

Call me crazy, but…Are our senators trying to pull a fast one?

According to the Alliance for Natural Health today senators are in private sessions hammering out details of a bill that could adversely target creators of food and health supplements.

The ANH says "This very minute, Senate insiders are working behind closed doors to make even innocent acts by small food and supplement producers punishable with ten-year jail terms. It is touch-and-go whether we can keep that provision out of the Senate Food Safety bill (S. 510)."

Here’s the link for more info: http://www.anh-usa.org/emergency-action-alert-on-leahy-food-safety-bill/

The ANH says urgent action is needed. I believe it.

Why should you care? Well, if you are like me, you enjoy being able to walk into the grocery store or local health food store and buy supplements like Vitamin C and others off the shelves. If the government, backed by powerful factions who want to control your health and the money you spend to be healthy, can intimidate enough suppliers of supplements then eventually they can outlaw them altogether. They can certainly financially crush many small supplement business owners who don’t have the means to jump through all the unnecessary and regulatory hoops these factions would like to have in place.

We consider it a right to be able to go into a store and buy what we want. However, there are large corporations, namely drug companies, who, besides having world domination as their goal (I’m only slightly kidding) also want to squelch products that are inexpensive and actually work.

Think I’m crazy? Come next April try buying your supplement of choice in Europe where traditional medicine has been banned. Here’s another ANH article on the subject: http://www.anh-usa.org/traditional-medicines-to-become-illegal-in-europe/

This is real and it’s scary. But like any big bully on the playground, if enough people stand up to initiatives like this food "safety" bill, they will back down.

I just hope the people representing us in government will start remembering for whom they are working.

Take a moment and make your voice heard here: https://secure3.convio.net/aahf/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=635

I did.

If you decide to sign and send the comment form, come back and let us know you did and why.

Oh, and I’ll add a comment section below. I’m curious what supplements you use on a regular basis? What seems to help you the most? I do hope everyone is taking plenty of Vitamin D and Vitamin C now that flu season is upon us.

Here’s to your health.