KU dean to talk stem cell research in Winfield

Dr. Barbara Atkinson ? the first woman to serve as executive vice chancellor for the University of Kansas Medical Center ? will visit Winfield next week to discuss the scientific and ethical challenges posed by stem cell research.

A public address is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday in Beech 104 on the campus of Southwestern College. Admission is free to the public. Atkinson is being hosted by the SC chapter of Beta Beta Beta, a national biology honor society.

She will meet privatley with pre-med students on campus prior to her public address.

“I am hoping that she will bring some general information about stem cell research,” Rick Cowlishaw, assistant professor of biology at Southwestern, said.? “I am interested in hearing the questions from the local community.”

As executive vice chancellor, Atkinson oversees KU’s Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health with more than 2,700 students and 786 faculty members.? She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences Institute and one of only 13 women nationally serving as dean of a medical school.

She is the first woman to lead KU Medical Center, and the only woman to simultaneously hold the positions of medical school dean and executive vice chancellor of a medical center.

After Atkinson speaks, there will be a question and answer session.

For more information call (620) 229-6162.