Winfield schools to make up for snow days

Students in the Winfield school district will end this school year one day later than originally scheduled in order to make up for days missed due to bad winter weather. The last day for Winfield schools will be May 22.

School has been postponed four days this school year due to snow and ice. The district announced the schedule for make-up days Tuesday.

Two of those days are covered by the time spent doing parent-teacher conferences. The other two will be made up by the following changes in the calendar:

*April 21 is no longer a school holiday and is listed on the school calendar as a snow make-up day.

*May 22 changes from an in-service day to the last day of instruction. That will be the last day of school for students, except for seniors whose last day remains unchanged as May 13.

*May 23 changes from a report/record day to an in-service day for teachers. May 27 becomes a report/record day for teachers.