AC man Tasered after a weekend incident

A man walking along an Arkansas City street and cutting his wrists was transported to the local emergency room by police who then used a Taser stun gun on the man when he tried to flee the hospital, Ark City Police Chief Sean Wallace said.

The man, who is 23 and from Ark City, was walking in the area of Eighth Street and Maple Avenue when police were contacted. He refused to go by ambulance to South Central Kansas Regional Medical Center but, after some difficulty, was taken by police.

“Upon arrival at the ER, the victim became increasingly difficult and attempted to flee from the ER after refusing treatment from the hospital staff,” Wallace said. “As he attempted to flee,Taser was deployed and the man was subdued until such time as Cowley County Mental Health could attempt an evaluation.”

The man refused to be evaluated by a Mental Health counselor. Arrangements were made to transport him to the?Osawatomie State Hospital by police and the Cowley County Sheriff’s Office.

Disorderly charges are pending, Wallace said.