Pair of DUI checkpoints planned in Ark City

Sobriety checkpoints will be conducted in Arkansas City the weekends of Aug. 15 and 16 to reduce the risks of accidents by identifying impaired drivers.

Ark City Police Lt. Mark McCaslin said police, the Cowley County Sheriff’s Office and the Kansas Highway Patrol will conduct the checkpoints.

"Driver’s will be stopped and those suspected of being impaired will be given brief field sobriety tests," McCaslin said. "Those drivers that are impaired will be arrested for driving under the influence."

Officers will also be looking for other alcohol related offenses, seat belts and other traffic offenses.

"The purposes of these check points is not to harass motorists, but to decrease accidents by removing impaired drivers from our local roadways. Efforts will be made not to severely interrupt the flow of traffic, patience and cooperation from all citizens involved in the checkpoint will assist this important effort," McCaslin said.