Foreclosure sale last week generates $200K

Cowley County’s tax foreclosure sale last week attracted a packed house and raised nearly $200,000, treasurer Kathy Foust said.

‘It went real well," she said. ‘"All of the properties went except for one in Winfield. The county gets that and will have to advertise that one."

Foust had estimated 75 pieces of property would be sold based on the number of people who called to say they planned to pay the back taxes and redeem their property before the sale. Not all of those who called actually paid of their property so more than 75 pieces were sold although Foust wasn’t sure how many.

The paper work is still being processed. It will probably be three to four weeks before the new owners get their deeds. In addition, some bids were higher than the taxes owed so those buyers will receive a refund.

The sale was held Tuesday in the assembly room at the courthouse. Foust estimated the room holds 130 but there may well have been more people crowded in.

"In fact, the next time we have a tax sale we’ll have to find a different room," she said.

The properties sold had at least three years back taxes owed. Buyers only had to pay off the back taxes and bid higher than anyone else.

The proceeds will be distributed to government entities as any other tax distributions. New owners will start with 2009 year taxes.

The second half of taxes due on personal property and real estate is due without penalty May 11. Notices will not be sent out.