Popular community meal program is extended

Steady demand for a free weekly meal prepared and served at First United Methodist Church has convinced organizers to extend a project known as Tuesday’s Table.

Each Tuesday from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. teams of volunteers prepare a dinner at the church that is free to anyone in the community who is interested. The program was initially expected to run from March to May but church officials have decided to extend it.

Nancy Miller, a coordinator of the meals, said that 40 to 50 people have attended the meal in recent weeks.

"It’s fulfilling a need in the community," Miller said. "We’re seeing all ages ? families, couples and individuals. Many of those who come seem to appreciate having a good meal."

Weekly coordinators are: church staff, first week; Cindy Goertz, second week; Sherry Pugmire, third week; Kent and Nancy Miller, fourth week; and Nancy Tredway, if there is a fifth Tuesday.

Tuesday’s Table is supported by donations from church members. Free commodities provided by the state are also used.

"Support from the congregation ? financial gifts, food preparation, donations of time, everything ? has been great," said Tredway, the overall coordinator. "Close to 50 church members and others have offered to help in some way.

A Brownie Scout troop that meets at the church made brownies for the supper one week, and several Southwestern groups have expressed interest in helping next fall."

The church is located at 10th and Millington. Those who attend meals are asked to park in the lot across the street from the post office, and enter through the east door.

Grace United Methodist Church serves a community meal on Thursday evenings.