Rains in AC cause flooding, strand a motorist

An early-evening deluge in Arkansas City Tuesday dumped 2.28 inches of rain on the city in about an hour and caused flashing flooding along a number of streets, Arkansas City emergency coordinator Bob Frazee said.

The rain began some time after 5 p.m and soaked much of the city, including city hall, where the measurement was taken. A measurement taken near the Walnut River on east Madison showed that 2.46 inches fell.

All the rain overwhelmed street-drainage systems and caused flooding at the east Madison and east Chestnut underpasses. One stranded motorist had to have their car pulled from high waters, Frazee said.

Though the rain was considerable, it’s not the most rain Frazee’s seen fall in an hour.

"I can remember not too many years ago we got four inches in an hour," he said. "The flooding and everything was much worse then."