Cowley gets $50K grant to train more CNAs

Cowley College has received a $50,000 grant to help those who didn’t graduate earn a high school diploma and find work, according to a statement from the school.

The KAN-GO grant is a federally funded program offered by the state of Kansas. Funds are to be used to support collaborative efforts by adult educators, post-secondary educators and administrators to eliminate barriers frequently encountered by adult-age learners.

"This will provide qualifying students with an opportunity to obtain a high school diploma, CNA license, and find employment for almost no cost," says Devin Graves, Cowley’s director of Adult Education Programs GED/ABE/Data Coordinator, and a co-author of the grant.

Cowley will use the grant money to provide scholarships to students, who will take part in online hybrid classes.

The money will also cover fees, tuition, cost of testing, and help with the cost of transportation and child care.

The goal is to have 30 students complete their high school diploma, earn a CNA license, and gain employment.

"This will be an exciting opportunity for students that may have faced financial barriers," Graves said. "This will help them be placed in a better job and enable them to improve their life."