Ark City schools to let out early this Friday

Arkansas City Public Schools wants to remind parents of the early release day scheduled for Friday. All students, Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12, will be released at 11:30 a.m. to allow time for teacher collaboration and professional development.

The early release day was originally set for May 16 but was later changed due to a scheduling conflict.

Parents can also expect to be notified by the district’s new alert system. USD 470 recently signed on with a company called AlertNow to provide parents with more up-to-date information about emergencies, absences, upcoming events and other important instances in which parents would need to be notified.

The AlertNow system allows administrators to record or type a message via a web application or phone. Then, a voice message, and in some instances a text message, is automatically sent to all parents or even just a specific group of parents, such as those with children on a particular bus or at one certain school.

“The addition of this program is part of our continued effort to improve communication to our parents and strengthen the district’s ability to keep parents informed in a timely manner,” J.K. Campbell, assistant superintendent, said.