Leadership Cowley County class of 09 named

Leadership Cowley County has announced the members of the Class of 2009. The class begins Monday and runs eight sessions.

This year’s class includes individuals from the following businesses, organizations, and services:? Kathy Braungardt, City of Arkansas City; Marilyn Coury, The Arkansas City Traveler; Bruce Crouse, Cowley College; Lynn Dauber, Creative Community Living; Linda Groth, CASA of Cowley County; Arty Hicks, Zeller Motor Company; Jennifer Irwin, Safe Homes Inc.; Marilyn Lolar, Arkansas City Area Chamber of Commerce; Damon
Mendoza, CornerBank NA; Della Moore, Creative Community Living; Dr. Scott Rogers, Rogers Family Dentistry; Nathan Sander, Bank of the West; Ben Schears, Cowley College; Kiley Thurber, Home National Bank; Vincent Warren, Winfield Fire Department; and Linda Watson, Safe Homes Inc.

Leadership Cowley County focuses on training and enhancing the leadership skills of community leaders.

The goal is to spark an interest in each participant to serve in the community – and to help these promising leaders develop skills that make a difference in the community, the work place, and at home.??

This program is greatly promoted by both Chambers of Commerce in Arkansas City and Winfield.

Contact Connie Kimsey, director of the Arkansas City Convention and Visitors Bureau, at?442-0236, for additional information.