Area communities celebrating Nat. Night Out

Several Cowley County communities are planning activities for National Night Out Tuesday. These activities are meant to give neighbors and law enforcement a chance to meet in a friendly setting and learn more about one another.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the activities:

ARK CITY: Events in Ark City actually begin with a kickoff party tonight at 7 that includes free swimming and music at Paris Park and the Paris Park Pool. DJ Jace Kennedy will be on hand to play popular music.

Swimming ends at 9 p.m and the movie Madagascar 2 will be shown on a large inflatable screen.

There will also be several other events such as a Euro-Bungee, a Coconut Tree Climbing wall, a dunk tank, and a special event known as World of Sports. The World of Sports has baseball, soccer, and football skill games and many of those who participate will receive a prize of some kind.? ?

There will be free hot dogs donated and cooked by the Optimist club, chips , and soft drinks donated by Coca Cola and Fastenal of Ark City.

On Tuesday, beginning at 6 p.m., 20 neighborhoods in Ark City will be holding block parties with food, games, and other activities. At 7, everyone in Arkansas City is encouraged to turn on their porch light to demonstrate solidarity against crime.

BURDEN: Police, fire and the Cowley County Sheriff’s Department will host a community cook-out that start at 6 p.m at the city park pavilion.

The evening includes a free cook-out, live music, door prizes, emergency equipment displays and safety and security presentations. All area residents are invited to attend.

For more info, call Burden Chief Travis Lowe at (620) 438-2320.

WINFIELD: From 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Aug. 4, residents in neighborhoods throughout Winfield are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening out with neighbors and police.

Many neighborhoods will be hosting a variety of special events such as block parties, cookouts, flashlight walks, contests and youth activities. Local EMS, police and fire personnel will visit the parties throughout the evening.